Julian Röpcke

Political editor

Born in 1983 in former East Germany’s Berlin, Julian Röpcke is a senior political editor, employed by Germany’s best-selling newspaper, leading online news platform and young TV channel BILD.

He is responsible for foreign policy in general and the Middle East as well as central and eastern Europe specifically. In this position, he reports on the unfolding war between Russia and Ukraine since 2015 and has been more than a dozen times to Ukraine including four times to the front in the country’s east.

He is also publishing investigations on the hesitant German response to the escalating war in Ukraine and uncovered several of the plots to postpone German arms deliveries to the Ukrainian armed forces. His daily video show “BILD Lagezentrum” (BILD Situation Room) on the unfolding military situation in Ukraine has attracted more than 40 Million views in Germany.

Freedom always has a price – but are we willing to pay it? Germany’s role in the Russian war in Ukraine observed

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