Professor Agnieszka Jastrzębska

Professor Agnieszka Jastrzębska, PhD, DSc, Eng. Nanotechnologist, CEO and founder of ADJ Nanotechnology spin-off company, professor at Warsaw University of Technology.

Prof. Jastrzębska received her PhD degree (2012) and habilitation (2018) as a young scientist at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology. She specializes in the chemistry of materials and the research of their biological and catalytic activities. Her current interests are focused on the area of nanocomposites and 2D materials for biomedical and environmental applications.

Leader of an interdisciplinary research group at WUT called "Bioactive nanomaterials with 2D crystal structure", co-author of publications in prestigious journals like Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Scientific Reports, book chapters in Springer Nature and Elsevier. As of 2021 listed among the World's TOP 2% Scientists according to Stanford University.

Manager of research grants, funded by the National Science Centre, Horizon 2020 Cost Actions, Excellence Initiative - Research University. Co-inventor of numerous inventions and patent applications. Coordinator of implementation of scientific research results into industry through the sale of patent licenses or creation of spin-offs.

Member of Materials Research Society, USA, American Chemical Society and numerous committees and teams, active in the field of science and promoting science in Poland and abroad. Member of the Council for Higher Education, Science and Innovation, within the National Development Council.

Reviewer in Polish and foreign science funding institutions such as ERC, Horizon 2020, National Centre for Research and Development. Expert of Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, Polish and Czech Fulbright Commission and MoRePro program, Slovak Academy of Sciences.

For her research work and scientific activity, she has received many awards and prizes for the technology of production of nanoparticle sterilizing composites, including the Teraz Polska statuette (2023), the Presidential Economic Award in the category of Research and Development (2022), the Polish Product of the Future (2022), and the Award of the Minister of Education and Science for implementation achievements (2021).

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